We offer comprehensive captive turnkey services.
Be sure to talk to us and get our proposal before selecting any other manager. We offer the most sophisticated captive solutions at the lowest reasonable pricing in the marketplace.
Click here to view all of our introductory flyers and materials including our guaranteed lowest cost service price schedule for industry leading quality captive insurance services and programs
- Strategic Reviews of Existing Captive Programs
- Captive Rescues and Restructuring
- Captive Wind-up & Tax Free Reorganizations
- Free Preliminary Captive Feasibility & Cost Estimates
Best Starting Step
Our preliminary captive assessment helps you determine if it makes sense for you to own your own captive insurance company (CIC). CIC’s are usually designed to sell customized insurance to its owner’s affiliated operating and investment companies to reduce commercial insurance costs and/or to expand insurance coverage to protect you against significant risks you otherwise are self-insuring. Designed correctly, premium payments made to your captive by your operating businesses may be tax deductible, and your CIC may qualify for special tax treatment afforded insurance companies. These incentives could significantly reduce your risk finance cost and increase reserves set aside in the event of large unexpected losses not covered by your commercial insurance program. We do not and cannot give tax advice so you should consult with qualified lawyers and CPAs to discuss these complex issues if the tax impacts of a captive are of concern and interest to you.
We offer new captive clients vertically integrated turnkey captive insurance company design, formation, management and wind-up services. Our managing director has helped over 500 US businesses create affiliated captive insurance companies on and offshore. Learn more in About Us.
Improving Existing Captives
For existing captive programs created and managed by someone else, we offer strategic reviews which evaluate strengths and weaknesses of your captive including determining if improvements are needed to meet today’s ever changing best practice and regulatory standards, especially with growing concern about underwriting practices and risk pooling arrangements that may not meet today’s standards despite being in use for many years.
Clean Up of Unsatisfactory or Defective Captive Programs
We also offer “takeover” services if you are not happy with your existing captive program or manager or are simply paying to much. We likely would not agree to assume management of a captive program design and structured by someone else, but we can create a new optimized captive very affordably so you can wind down your old captive.
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